Autoclart is the latest GENOMICAs automation system

Autoclart is the latest GENOMICAs automation system


Autoclart is the latest GENOMICAs automation system. It’s designed for microplate processing and provides reagents addition, liquid handling, heating, cooling and microplate shaking.

Its technical features makes it suitable for almost all molecular diagnostics laboratories throughput:

  • Compact size: 60 x 60 x 65 cm.
  •  Plug and play system.
  •  Operator interface is via an integral control panel containing a knob and a LCD display screen.
  • Microplate holder offers: heating and cooling under a peltier controlled system, giving precise temperature control during assay, but also shaking wells during incubations.

Autoclart main advantages:

  • Notably reduces the hands-on time required for performing any CLART® assay.
  • Minimizes the potential intra-assay variability, but also interlaboratory variability.
  • All consumables are housed inside the instrument, giving a very small footprint in the lab.
  • Flexibility in number of samples per run, from 4 to 96 at once.