

The FLU-COVID RT-PCR kit is an in vitro diagnostics kit for the qualitative simultaneous detection and differentiation of the RNA of the Influenza A1 (FluA), Influenza B1 (FluB) and/or SARS-CoV-2 viruses, starting from purified RNA from human clinical samples of different origin, such as nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal exudates and bronchoalveolar lavages (BAL). It is based on the multiplex One-Step RT-PCR technique, using primers and fluorescent probes for the target genes: Matrix protein FluA (Mp), Matrix protein FluB and SARS-CoV-2 specific N gene (independent regions N1 and N2) following the guidelines recommended by the WHO (11).
1Types of influenza virus identified:
• Influenza A
o Universal
o Subtype H1N1 (pandemic 2009)
o Subtype H3
• Influenza B: Victoria and Yamagata lineages.
Specific primers and fluorescent probe are included for the simultaneous detection of the human RNaseP gene as internal quality control of the starting material and amplification. The detection channels of the different targets are:

Detection channels for the different targets of the FLU-COVID RT-PCR kit

Microbiological status: Non-sterile product.
