SCIEX Triple Quad™ LC-MSMS 6500

The SCIEX Triple Quad LC-MSMS 6500


Researchers are constantly challenged to achieve sufficient sensitivity and selectivity in method development, while maintaining robustness and throughput. Detection of analytes at very low levels requires ultra-high sensitivity and good selectivity from the LC-MS/MS system. Whether it is detecting drugs at low levels in protein precipitated plasma, pesticides in food matrices or protein biomarkers in biological fluids, high sensitivity of the platform for detection of the target compounds combined with lowered background noise to get the best signal/noise for the assay is key.

Enhancing the sensitivity of LC-MS/MS instruments requires efficiency along every part of the instrument be optimized to obtain the highest possible transmission. The efficiency of ion production, ion sampling and ion transfer along the full ion path needs to be evaluated.

The SCIEX Triple Quad 6500 and QTRAP 6500 systems have major improvements in sensitivity resulting from improved ionization efficiency, sampling, and linear dynamic range. Using IonDrive™ system technology, major new innovations have been implemented in every part of the system.

Key Benefits of IonDrive™ System Technology for Quantitation

  • The SCIEX Triple Quad 6500 and QTRAP 6500 systems have improvements across the ion rail that enhance quantitative experiments
  • Ultra-high sensitivity enables very low LOQ’s in complex matrices
  • Mass range of m/z 5 – 2,000 provides versatility for small molecule and peptide quantitation
  • Increased dynamic range with IonDrive high energy detector technology
  • Increased ionization efficiency and heat transfer with the IonDrive Turbo V source
  • Increased ion sampling efficiency and ruggedness with the IonDrive QJet ion guide

IonDrive™ QJet Ion Guide

Increasing the efficiency of ion transfer into the vacuum region is the key to further gains in sensitivity without compromising robustness. The IonDrive QJet ion guide represents a ground breaking design, significantly increasing ion transfer efficiency. It consists of a dual stage RF guide which improves ion capture from a larger orifice while increasing transmission efficiency into the Q0 region (Figure 1). This is combined with the curtain gas geometry which provides a more robust gas barrier, and better separation of ions from neutrals, and other particles.

IonDrive QJet Ion Guide